Category: Uncategorized
Thomas Ulahannan+
A Syro – Malabar Eastern Catholic Funeral will take place this Saturday, July 20, 2024, at St. Paul the Apostle for Mr. Thomas Ulahannan+, who passed away on Friday, July 12. Mr. Ulahannan was the father of Tigy Thomas; Tigy and his family are devout in their attendance at daily and Sunday 10AM Masses. Priests…
Douglas Arthur McCusker+
Prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of Doug McCusker+, husband of Ella McCusker and longtime parishioner and volunteer for Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus and involved in Special Olympics with the Knights, as well as a Navy veteran. A Memorial Mass will…
Joseph Freeman+
Prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of Mr. Joseph Marvin “Joe” Freeman, former Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus Council 11676 of this parish and active parishioner for many years, who passed away on Monday, May 1. Please keep his wife, Elisa, his parents who are parishioners Carl and Joan Freeman,…