Mass Schedule

5:00pm – English Vigil Mass

8:00am – English Mass
10:00am – English Mass
12:30pm – Spanish Mass

Tue-Fri: 12:15pm – English Mass
Wed: 7:00pm – Spanish Mass

1st Saturday of the Month from
4:00-4:45 pm; Fridays from 11:00 am
to 3:00 pm, followed by Divine Mercy Chaplet

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jn 6:1-15

Jesus went across the Sea of Galilee.
A large crowd followed him,
because they saw the signs he was performing on the sick.
Jesus went up on the mountain,
and there he sat down with his disciples.
The Jewish feast of Passover was near.
When Jesus raised his eyes
and saw that a large crowd was coming to him,
he said to Philip,
“Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?”
He said this to test him,
because he himself knew what he was going to do.
Philip answered him,
“Two hundred days’ wages worth of food would not be enough
for each of them to have a little.”
One of his disciples,
Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, said to him,
“There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish;
but what good are these for so many?”
Jesus said, “Have the people recline.”
Now there was a great deal of grass in that place.
So the men reclined, about five thousand in number.
Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks,
and distributed them to those who were reclining,
and also as much of the fish as they wanted.
When they had had their fill, he said to his disciples,
“Gather the fragments left over,
so that nothing will be wasted.”
So they collected them,
and filled twelve wicker baskets with fragments
from the five barley loaves
that had been more than they could eat.
When the people saw the sign he had done, they said,
“This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world.”
Since Jesus knew that they were going to come and carry him off
to make him king,
he withdrew again to the mountain alone.


Fr. Fabio A. Alvarez Posada


Sacramental Emergencies
[email protected]

Rev. Mr. Rich Thibodeau

(770) 910-3339
[email protected]

Victoria Donato

(706) 842-4416

[email protected]

Elizabet Lara


(706) 865-4474
[email protected]

Lisa Wade


(706) 865-0922
[email protected]

Current Events

  • Words from Fabio


    In this Gospel of St. John, we can see how Jesus recognizes the spiritual and material needs of the people who approach Him, because it is He who warns of the lack of food for all those people who followed Him. Jesus is aware of our needs and seeks a way to give us what we need in this life and to take us to eternity. At the same time, the Lord invites us, like Philip, to develop an attentive look at the needs of others, through compassion for those who have nothing in this world. In short, he invites us to be his imitators, that is, to see the needs of others and how to provide for them. After this episode of the multiplication of loaves, he will talk about a bread that will open the doors of eternal life.
    Question: Are you interested in that Bread? If the answer is yes, how do you receive it, that is, how is the soul when it comes in contact with Jesus?

    Thank you, thank you very much to all the people who in one way or another made possible the sixty-year celebration of our parish. I was pleased to have seen the community integrated both in the liturgy and in the sharing of food. It is good to take advantage of those small spaces that God gives us to integrate around Christ Jesus. I also want to especially thank the people who brought their birthday gift for the parish; the money that was collected will be used in the capital campaign.

  • Hispanic Food Sale This Weekend

    Hispanic Food Sale on July 28th and August 4th . Come and enjoy this delicious homemade food. Venta de Comida este 28 de julio y 4 de Agosto. Venga y disfrute de esta deliciosa comida casera.

  • Volunteer Ushers Needed

    The Parish is in need of Volunteer Ushers for the Vigil Mass for Saturdays at 5:00pm
    and Sunday 8:00am.
    If interested in helping, please contact Andy Brackett:
    Phone: 706-969-3073
    Email: [email protected]

  • An Important Task for Saturday, August 3

    There are things in life that no matter how much you disagree and don’t want to do, you must do; such is the case with cutting down some trees that we have on the parish grounds. Several of them make the parish look beautiful and at the same time give shade that is very useful, especially in the summer season. Unfortunately, we have to cut some of them because they are causing damage in the parish, or they can cause an accident for someone. With some of them, the roots have lifted the sidewalks; they have damaged the pipe that connects the septic tank or the gas pipe; and finally, they can create a problem to the structure of the parish.
    We have the painful task of having to cut them down for the good of all. I wouldn’t be forgiven if someone hurt themselves physically because of my negligence. I hope you understand me. For those who want to help us cut down these trees, please contact the office, Juan, or Paul, and let us know about your valuable help. I hope that very soon we can repair the damage we will do to nature by planting new trees, yes, in places that do not cause any harm either in the present or in the future.

  • OCIA Fall Session (formerly known as RCIA)

    OCIA (formerly known as RCIA) begins, Wednesday – September 11 at 6:30pm in the school building for English and Sunday – September 8 at 11:00am in Spanish.
    Contact Juan Gutierrez 770-561-4485 for Spanish or
    Travis Mullis 706-878-6769 for English.

  • SOR Registration

    School of Religion Last Chance to register for 2024-2025 school year:
    August 3 and 4
    August 10 and 11
    No registration after Aug 11!!!

    Registration after all Masses – $70 per family – additional $30 for sacramental prep
    Family Faith Formation begins Wednesday – Sept 4
    Meal provided by Jesus Estrada Ministries 5:30pm – 6:00pm. Classes strictly
    begins at 6:00pm– 7:15pm – students must be on time this year!!!! Mass
    begins at 7:15pm.
    Sunday School on Bible/Sacraments – begins Sept. 8 – 11:00am – Noon

  • Adult Faith Formation Class Forming – it’s Free!

    “What is the Bible?”
    A Three Session Adult Study

    Facilitated By Deacon Rich
    Sunday Evenings – August 4, 11, and 18
    6:00 – 7:30 Parish Hall

    Class is welcome to Adults Free of Charge

    What is the Bible?

    How is the Bible Organized?

    Inside the Old Testament

    Inside the New Testament

    History of the Bible.

  • Brown Bag Weekend Coming Up!

    The Outreach ministry sponsors the “Brown Bag Weekend” the first full weekend of each month, which will occur next weekend (August 3 & 4). It is a way to help those in our parish community struggling to put food on the table. Parishioners that are willing and able are encouraged to take a brown bag and purchase the food items noted. Donated food items should be placed in the brown bags and dropped off in the collection bins in the narthex the following weekend (August 10&11). The bins are used to prevent unwanted creatures from helping themselves to the food. Those donating are encouraged to leave the bags only when the bins are out. The Outreach ministry thanks those that are able to help nourish our parish community.

  • Pumpkin Patch Time 

    Fall is around the corner, and it is time to reestablish the St. Paul Pumpkin Patch.   

    With the growing needs of our parish, the pumpkin patch can offer much needed income and we need your help!!!!  Please prayerfully consider coordinating this fund raiser!   

    We are grateful to Laurie Vitek and Gina Sherman for their years of dedication in making our church the “Pumpkin Church” in our community!  Let’s make St. Paul’s the “Pumpkin Church” again! 

  • Youth Ministry News!

    Thank you to Fr. Fabio, Deacon Rich and the parishioners of St. Paul who have been supporting our youth as they prepare for the Steubenville Atlanta Conference, July 26-28! 

    Please remember the following youth and chaperones in your prayers, that they may have safe travels to and from Atlanta, and that they may grow closer to Jesus Christ    through the practices of their Catholic faith.

    Rose Bannon, Sarah Hunter, Citlaly Urquiza, Priscilla Flores, Zaidee Gazga, Miranda Diego, Mayra Pedro, Valeria Tinoco, Sofia Goicoechea, Christopher Jimenez, Rebecca Strange, Jesus Aguilar, Eveli Sanchez, Mary Ruth Jones

    Gracias al P. Fabio, el diácono Rich y los feligreses de St. Paul que han estado apoyando a nuestros jóvenes mientras se preparan para la Conferencia de Steubenville Atlanta,

    del 26 al 28 de julio.

    Por favor recuerden a los siguientes jóvenes y acompañantes en sus oraciones, para que puedan tener viajes seguros hacia y desde Atlanta, y para que puedan acercarse más a Jesucristo a través de las prácticas de su fe católica.

    Rose Bannon, Sarah Hunter, Citlaly Urquiza, Priscilla Flores, Zaidee Gazga, Miranda Diego, Mayra Pedro, Valeria Tinoco, Sofia Goicoechea, Christopher Jimenez, Rebecca Strange, Jesus Aguilar, Eveli Sanchez, Mary Ruth Jones

  • Adoration Time Change for July

    This month of July, Adoration on Fridays will be only from 11:00am until 12:15pm.
    Adoration will not go until 3:00pm. Thank you for understanding.

  • Parish Council Minutes

    Please click on this link to see the July meeting minutes:

More Info


Saturdays, 4:00pm or by appointment

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