Mass Schedule

5:00pm – English Vigil Mass

8:00am – English Mass
10:00am – English Mass
12:30pm – Spanish Mass

Tue-Fri: 12:15pm – English Mass
Wed: 7:00pm – Spanish Mass

1st Saturday of the Month from
4:00-4:45 pm; Fridays from 11:00 am
to 3:00 pm, followed by Divine Mercy Chaplet

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mk 10:17-30 or 10:17-27

As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up,
knelt down before him, and asked him,
“Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
Jesus answered him, “Why do you call me good? 
No one is good but God alone.
You know the commandments: You shall not kill;
you shall not commit adultery;
you shall not steal;
you shall not bear false witness;
you shall not defraud;
honor your father and your mother
He replied and said to him,
“Teacher, all of these I have observed from my youth.”
Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him,
“You are lacking in one thing.
Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor
and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” 
At that statement his face fell,
and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.

Jesus looked around and said to his disciples,
“How hard it is for those who have wealth
to enter the kingdom of God!” 
The disciples were amazed at his words.
So Jesus again said to them in reply,
“Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! 
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle
than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” 
They were exceedingly astonished and said among themselves,
“Then who can be saved?”
Jesus looked at them and said,
“For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. 
All things are possible for God.” 
Peter began to say to him,
“We have given up everything and followed you.” 
Jesus said, “Amen, I say to you,
there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters
or mother or father or children or lands
for my sake and for the sake of the gospel
who will not receive a hundred times more now in this present age:
houses and brothers and sisters
and mothers and children and lands,
with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come.”


Fr. Fabio A. Alvarez Posada


Sacramental Emergencies
[email protected]

Rev. Mr. Rich Thibodeau

(770) 910-3339
[email protected]

Victoria Donato

(706) 842-4416

[email protected]

Elizabet Lara


(706) 865-4474
[email protected]

Lisa Wade


(706) 865-0922
[email protected]

Current Events

  • Words from Fabio

    We all want to acquire eternal life. What do we have to do? There are probably few material riches that we have, but everything that binds us deceives us, like social positions, titles, believing ourselves good enough because we already fulfill the commandments; those are our riches. Jesus does not disavow either the rich or money, but he does put us on guard against the problems that wealth can pose – to prevent us from seeing things as the Lord sees them to achieve true happiness. Jesus and his teachings must be our greatest wealth.
    Question: Is the Lord our true treasure? What wealth separates you from heaven?

  • Time for Breakfast!

    The Knights of Columbus will be serving their delicious hot breakfast on Sunday, October 13th in the parish hall after the 8:00 am and 10:00 am Masses. Come out and have some breakfast for the simple price of a donation. Served will be pancakes, French toast, potatoes, meats, fruit, omelets & eggs, and beverages. Why go out to eat when you can have a homemade breakfast, visit with friends, and support our Knights?

  • Pray the Rosary This Sunday

  • Youth Ministry News!

    Coordinator: Eveli Sanchez 706-968-8202
    [email protected]

    OCT. 13:
    Youth Ministry is helping the Knights of Columbus serve breakfast after
    the 8am and 10am Mass! Come join us! Please RSVP by text to Eveli: 706-968-8202
    OCT. 19:

    Youth Ministry takes on the Jaemor Farm’s Corn Maze. We will meet at 9:30am in front of the Admissions booth. Please bring $20 per person in cash to cover the admission fee. The Youth Ministry will provide light refreshments. Participants must have a signed Youth Ministry Permission Form. Come join us! Please RSVP by text to Eveli: 706-968-8202

  • A Big Thank You to All!


    Click on Weekly Bulletin above, then click on Bulletin Insert 10-13-24.

  • St. Paul’s Outreach Interviews

    Inflation has hit hard, and many people struggle to pay their bills these days. If you find yourself in the position of having to choose between keeping your power on or buying groceries or other essentials, St Paul’s Outreach Ministry may be able to help. Interviews for parishioners or White County residents will be held in the Parish Hall on Thursday, October 17th from 6-7pm. Please bring a photo ID and your utility bill with you when you come.

  • Our Capital Campaign

    So far, we are doing well, thank God – even more so with the money collected at the festival; that amount has brought us closer to our goal. We still need to raise about $130,000 so that many of you can achieve the goal of seeing me in pink vestments on the third Sunday of Advent (December 14-15) or the fourth Sunday of Lent (March 29-30); everything is in your hands. If we reach the goal, it will be the first and last time I
    wear a vestment of that color. I do everything for the love I have for this beautiful parish.

  • Thanks a Lot!

    First of all, I want to express that I feel very proud of each one of you for this great festival that we had last Saturday; without your presence, and especially without that great group of the committee that worked hard, the success of the festival would not have been possible. So far what has been collected is $33,700; I think it is a record for the parish. All this is thanks to God, who accompanied us in many ways during the
    festival, and again thanks to you who did your part. All the money raised will be used for the Parish Capital Campaign. May the God of love and the Virgin of Guadalupe continue to pour many blessings on each of you and your families. The raffle winners were Luis Enrique ($300), Saint Paul ($400), and pending acknowledgement ($500).

  • October is…Respect Life Month!

    1. National Rosary Rally: Sunday, October 13 at 1:45 pm. Outdoor prayer for our nation and the unborn. See Flyer above for details.
    2. Rosary After Mass: We will continue to pray the Rosary after each Mass.Β  We will begin after the Recessional hymn.Β  Would you like to take a turn leading the rosary? Contact Antonella Skinner at 954W330-8821 or email: [email protected]

  • All Saints Day Dinner & Relics Presentation

    There will be a German-style dinner followed by a presentation of Holy Relics by Emily Glover immediately following the 6:00 pm Holy Day Mass on Friday, November 1. This dinner is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus in support of raising awareness of St. Paul Capital Campaign projects. We ask that parishioners bring a dessert to share. Let’s join together for Mass first, then enjoy a wonderful evening of fellowship and instruction on the relics. Remember to bring your spare cash for a 50/50!

  • Annual Appeal 2024

    “In His Presence all things are made new.”

    As many of you know, since my arrival in St. Paul the Apostle we have always achieved the annual goal of the Archdiocese plus an extra surplus. That extra money has always been returned to us, and we have used it for the different needs of the parish. The amount we have left to collect is around $10,000. I know that through your generosity, once again we will achieve and exceed the goal given by the Archdiocese. If we cannot achieve it, the money we lack will be added to the current debt, which includes interest, plus I will deliver on my promise for four consecutive Sundays (watching the Archbishop’s video). ~Father Fabio

  • Adult Faith Formation

    Join Deacon Rich for the next Adult Faith Formation Class on Early Church Fathers.
    Dates – October 13, October 27 and November 3 in the Parish Hall beginning at 4:30pm. Learn more about our faith through Sacred Tradition and the impact the early church fathers have on the Church today!

  • Pilgrimage with Father Fabio

    St. Paul the Apostle Parish Pilgrimage with Fr. Fabio to Italy!
    Use this site to sign up!
    or visit Then at the top hover over pilgrimages, click on Parish
    Pilgrimages, and scroll down to find the link to the pilgrimage. For more details here, click on Weekly Bulletin, then on the Bulletin Insert 9-22-24. Scroll down until you see the flyer.

More Info


Saturdays, 4:00pm or by appointment

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Archdiocese of Atlanta