Mass Schedule
5:00pm – English Vigil Mass
8:00am – English Mass
10:00am – English Mass
12:30pm – Spanish Mass
Tue-Fri: 12:15pm – English Mass
Wed: 7:15pm – Spanish Mass
1st Saturday of the Month from
4:00-4:45 pm; Fridays from 11:00 am
to 3:00 pm, followed by Divine Mercy Chaplet
Gospel ~ Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ March 2, 2025
Jesus told his disciples a parable,
“Can a blind person guide a blind person?
Will not both fall into a pit?
No disciple is superior to the teacher;
but when fully trained,
every disciple will be like his teacher.
Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye,
but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?
How can you say to your brother,
‘Brother, let me remove that splinter in your eye,’
when you do not even notice the wooden beam in your own eye?
You hypocrite! Remove the wooden beam from your eye first;
then you will see clearly
to remove the splinter in your brother’s eye.
“A good tree does not bear rotten fruit,
nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit.
For every tree is known by its own fruit.
For people do not pick figs from thornbushes,
nor do they gather grapes from brambles.
A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good,
but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil;
for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.”
Fr. Fabio A. Alvarez Posada
(770) 757-8958
Sacramental Emergencies
Rev. Mr. Rich Thibodeau
(770) 910-3339
Victoria Donato
(706) 842-4416
Elizabet Lara
(706) 865-4474
Lisa Wade
(706) 865-0922
Current Events
2025 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
THANK YOU for your support of the 2024 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal as St. Paul exceeded its goal! The 2025 Appeal kicks off this weekend March 1-2. Those that made a non-cash donation last year should have received a pledge card in the mail by now. For everyone else, you will have the opportunity to fill out a pledge card during Mass next weekend March 8-9, or you can pick up a pledge card in the Narthex before then. Please mail the pledge card in the envelope provided (preferred) or place it in the collection basket during mass. To learn more about the impact of our support to the appeal and to donate online, visit lifeofthechurch.com/appeal.
Stations of the Cross
Please join us for the Stations of the Cross starting March 7 through April 11. The Stations will be in the church starting at 6:00pm. Fish Fry supper will be in the Parish Hall after the conclusion of the stations.
Fish Fry Suppers!
Our popular Lenten Fish suppers will begin on Friday, March 7 after conclusion of Stations of the Cross (which begin at 6:00 pm in the church). The Knights of Columbus and Spanish Ministry will be serving an assortment of seafood and fish, side dishes, desserts and iced tea/water. Parishioners are invited to donate side dishes and desserts each week. Those cooks who would like to bring a soup can provide one beginning March 14. Please contact Beverly Farkus at 678-936-5303 to book a Friday date to bring soup.
Price: Ages 13 and up – $12 – Ages 5-12: $5 – Ages 4 and under FREE. Net proceeds will go toward finishing the basement at Our Lady of Grace Education Center for additional parish and educational space. Don’t forget some extra cash for the 50/50 raffle!
Knights of Columbus Breakfast
The K/C will be serving their delicious hot breakfast on Sunday, March 9th in the parish hall after the 8:00 am and 10:00 am Masses. Come out and have some breakfast for the simple price of a donation. Served with pancakes, French toast, potatoes, meats, fruit, omelets & eggs, and beverages. Why go out to eat when you can have a homemade breakfast, visit with friends, and support our Knights?
Youth Ministry Events
March 9: YMM helps Knights of Columbus with breakfast after the 10am
mass. Please RSVP with Eveli: 706-968-8202.
March 16: Youth Night at St. Paul from 4-7pm. We will have a Bible Study, games, crafting and a pizza Supper. Please RSVP by text to Eveli: 706-968-8202.
March 29: Jubilee Youth gathering at St. Paul from 1-5pm. We will have food, ice cream, presentations, rosary making, and games. Please RSVP with Eveli: 706-968-8202. -
Lost & Found
We have a number of items that have been left on the parish premises (e.g., Church, Parish Hall, OLG) that have been in our Lost and Found, some for a long time. During the weekend of March 8-9, items in our Lost and Found collection will be displayed in the Parish Hall. Please come by to claim your abandoned item(s). Anything remaining at the
end of the day on March 9 will be donated or disposed of at the parish’s discretion. -
Altar Servers Meeting
Please come to our altar server meeting for new and existing servers on March 9 at 2:15 pm for updated information and training. New participants are welcome! We will meet in the church.
¡Reunión de Monaguillos!
Por favor, venga a nuestra reunión de monaguillos si su hijo o hija es
monaguillo, para obtener información actualizada y capacitación para los
monaguillos nuevos y existentes. ¡Nuevos participantes son bienvenidos!
9 de marzo 2:15pm dentro la iglesia -
Parish Council Vacancies
The Parish Council is looking for faithful servants to fill a few vacancies within the Council. As a vital part of our church’s mission, the Parish Council helps guide our parish’s growth, outreach, and spiritual life. It is wonderful opportunity to actively contribute to the direction and development of our community. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about our faith, dedicated to service, and eager to collaborate with others to make a positive impact on our parish life. No prior experience is required, just a willingness to serve and participate in meaningful dialogue. If you are interested or have any questions, please reach out to Mike Yarbrough at 770-712-6684 or [email protected]. We would be happy to provide more details and answer any questions you may have. Thank you for considering this important role in our parish.
Cursillo Weekends
Are you looking to deepen your faith in your daily life? Do you want to be part of a vibrant Catholic community to share your faith journey? Do you wish to enrich your relationship with God? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then Cursillo is for you! Cursillo is an encounter with Christ. This 3-day weekend experience will immerse you in your Catholic faith, filling your spiritual life with joy, a closeness to God, and enthusiasm. The Cursillo Movement provides the tools, mentality, strength, and support to make this natural type of evangelization possible. Join us for the next Cursillo weekends:
Women: #143, March 20-23, 2025 Men: #148, March 27-30, 2025
If you’re interested or have any questions about this encounter with Christ, please contact: Amy Bobenhausen 706-348-5245 or Bob Cincotta 706-352-0579.
More Info
Saturdays, 4:00pm or by appointment
Secure Online Giving
Daily Readings
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Archdiocese of Atlanta